Emblaze Spain Chapter

Connect with your local sales community

Connect and create a community for inside, digital, and hybrid sales professionals who live in the same area. Chapters provide an opportunity to expand one’s professional circle and meet in-person to discuss ideas and/or challenges that inevitably come up in your career. Each chapter is led by Chairs, who serve as local ambassadors of the Emblaze community and a trusted partner with the Emblaze leadership team.

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Chapter Chair:

Angus Mcgeachie

Angus Mcgeachie

Contact Angus

A senior sales leader with more than 25 years experience in the IT Industry. Angus moved from the UK to Barcelona in 2006 to lead the new SAP Inside Sales organisation, which was at that time a pilot. What followed in the subsequent years was Barcelona becoming one of Europe's prominent "Sales Cities", helping to launch the careers or countless aspiring Sales Professionals.

Angus is currently is at VMware in Barcelona leading their Digital Sales Centre since it's inception in 2019.

Morgann Mobry

Morgann Mobry | Vice president

Tactic Talent
Contact Morgann

Morgann is French and before settling in Barcelona she studied and lived in the USA, Mexico, Australia, UK and Indonesia. Professionally she has spent the last 15 years managing customer care and sales teams for DELL, Calvin-Thomas and Weekendesk. Recruitment is the key component behind every success story and it’s for this reason that Morgann created Tactic Talent (used to be InsideSalesBarcelona.com) 8 years ago, to identify and hunt the best sellers for the top IT companies and most promising startups in Europe.

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