Women In Sales Leadership Series - Amy Appleyard
Today, Inside Sales has a big shortage of mid-to-senior-level candidates to fill leadership roles, and even larger shortage is in the area of women stepping up to take these roles.

This first interview in the Inside Sales Studio series “Women in Sales Leadership” features Amy Appleyard, VP of Inside Sales at Staples Advantage. Amy shares her experience throughout the years in a variety of roles including marketing, strategy, and most currently her past 7 years at Staples in sales management. Bob and Amy discuss what women can do strategically to advance their careers. Amy shares tips on how “post lean in” women can raise their hand and get noticed for positions, and balance work and life by blending the two. Additionally, mentoring is discussed and encouraged.

During the interview Amy states, “for any women who think they might be interested in a career in sales management, raise your hand. Raise your hand before you think you are ready! If nothing more you will learn a lot about yourself in the interview process, and hopefully establish a mentor relationship.”

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