Emblaze San Diego Chapter

Connect with your local sales community

Connect and create a community for inside, digital, and hybrid sales professionals who live in the same area. Chapters provide an opportunity to expand one’s professional circle and meet in-person to discuss ideas and/or challenges that inevitably come up in your career. Each chapter is led by Chairs, who serve as local ambassadors of the Emblaze community and a trusted partner with the Emblaze leadership team.

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Chapter Chair:

Kevin Juza

Kevin Juza

Coach to Fulfillment
Executive Coach, Speaker, & Inside Sales Consultant
Contact Kevin

Kevin has a passion for developing teams that are high-performing and collaborative. He believes that coaching is the most important skill a leader needs to manage an Inside Sales Team. Kevin has stated, “We only have our teams for a short period of time, so as a leader, how best can we help develop them to be successful in this role and their future career.” Kevin has been a member of the San Diego AA-ISP Chapter since 2015 and believes that when a person invests in their own personal growth and professional development, they want to better themselves and those around them.

Kevin is a Sales Enablement and Inside Sales Consultant at Penguin Consulting Services, which specializes in helping B2B companies quickly identify and connect with prospects with the highest probability of buying. At Penguin, he helps companies jumpstart new inside sales teams, advises Senior Leaders how to best retool existing teams, and provide team management during transitions.

Dana Gulino

Dana Gulino | Officer

Operations - Inside Sales
Contact Dana

Dana Gulino is an operations specialist who works with sales teams to improve efficiency, increase sales, and promote collaboration and innovation. Dana believes that building a culture of continuous improvement and learning is the healthiest path to success for any team.

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