
keep bringing back the buyer’s brain

When you’re sharing content with your prospects, whether in a Zoom meeting or through static content like an e-book, their minds will drift away from the task at hand.

Mind wandering isn’t bad if you’re involved in a leisurely task, such as walking or painting. However, it can be problematic in a sales situation.

Abundant literature confirms that when people experience mind wandering—defined here as task-unrelated thoughts—they reduce perceptual and cognitive processing, which results in less comprehension of the content they’re viewing.

That means trying to persuade people to buy from you will be more difficult.

So, if your buyer’s brain begins to wander, it is essential to bring it back. But how do you refocus the wandering mind?

New research from Dr. Carmen Simon, cognitive neuroscientist and Chief Science Officer at Emblaze, reveals whether using self-reflection questions can reengage the buyer’s brain.

In this research report, you’ll learn science-backed answers to these questions:

  • Does the mind wander more while reading an e-book vs. attending a Zoom presentation?
  • Are self-reflection questions an effective way to re-engage the wandering mind?
  • What kinds of self-reflection questions should you include (or not) in your content?


Digital selling techniques , Customer acquisition , Customer expansion


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