AA-ISP Japan Chapter Virtual Meeting: How to Succeed at Virtual Selling

May 25th, 2021

1:30pm - 3:00pm JST

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At this event, there will be time for participants to exchange ideas with each other.

We will have an opportunity to share experiences and network among local sales leaders.  


Main topic:

How to Succeed at Virtual Selling


In Japan, the impact of the coronavirus continues to limit in-person sales, and improving the level of virtual sales is becoming a key priority.
What can we do to approach the prospects by using e-mail and telephone to maximize our sales?
In the first half of the this event, we will introduce some best practices in other countries.
In the second half, we are planning to have a working session where all participants can share their own experiences and effective approaches.


This AA-ISP-hosted session is complimentary and open to all.

This 1.5-hour event will be conducted as a Zoom Meeting, meaning we will all have the ability to talk live, share our thoughts, challenges or experiences, and use our webcams for maximum interaction.

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